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No Regrets

Find Your Bliss

As an Instagram newbie, I'll give this post a couple hashtags... #seenonmyrun #noregrets. I finally figured out this whole hashtag thing and can now cross that off my list of things I've done in this lifetime.

A half marathon won't be one of those things. Even though it was something I wanted, my body had other plans. Those internal messages your body sends rule the school, so #showsomerespect. Honoring my messages, I now only "run" 2 miles a couple times a week to get that great run rush.

Recently, I ran by my kids K-2 school and had to stop to see the brick I donated. I bought this brick when my youngest "graduated" 8 years ago, and it took me about 7 frustrating minutes to find it. Once I spotted it, my heart sank. Faded? Already? In two and half years, my boys will be off to college. Did I do everything I wanted with them? Have I been the best mom I want myself to be? The pang in my chest took my breath away, so I did the only thing I

It's jarring to ask yourself if you've truly honored self or have you allowed those external influences, expectations or messages to sway you. It's your life to live, so have you? Shifting to align with what's truly in your heart can be scary, but anything short of that can manifest as a scar on your soul.

Heeding this advice with tons of support, my husband recently left an amazing job he had for 22 years to start his own ad agency (check it out). On paper, his job had it all. Despite that, in his heart, he wanted something else. On paper, starting a company when you have two kids going off to college may not seem smart. In both our hearts, we knew this was the only way. Honoring those internal messages and knowing you're good with you is life-affirming and the source of joy.

As for my mom stuff, I'm pretty good with that too. If I could do it all over again, knowing what I know now, I would have simply told my young mom self to nap more and do less. Being less busy allows you to slow down to hear those internal messages.

So as we head into a busy and uncertain time, with an election, new business and college looming, I will take my own advice. Slow down. Listen. Align. Trust. Simply... #followyourheart and #enjoytheride.

If you need a guide to find this state of authentic bliss, join my upcoming 30-Day Journey Back to Self.

For daily inspirational snacks, follow @thebreadandbuddha on Instagram!

As always for fun, I'll leave you with...

  • My new favorite jam, full of plenty soul-stirring, air-drum-solo moments.

  • My favorite way to connect each day.

  • My favorite kitchen gadget.

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