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Online Classes

Big Batch Cooks On Demand, $35
Super Smoothies On Demand, $25

A Big Exhale

Hello! I know. I have been quiet lately. I’ve been living, exploring, learning and creating. Not in burdensome, busy way, but in a peaceful, balanced, slow way.

My inner school girl self always feels like fall is more "New Year" than Jan 1. It’s a time when I set my intention in an effort not to repeat old patterns. This fall, to commit to my peaceful, balanced, slower life full of living, exploring, learning and creating, I’m launching my new SLOW series.

SLOW - Savor a Life of Wellness

Slow doesn’t mean stop. Instead, we’ll be focusing on moving through life with a steady, rhythmic cadence to savor the wonders of what the earth provides and the gift we’ve been given to see it with our own two eyes - all of it, the good, bad and the ugly.

I’ve heard so many people say they don’t want to go back to their old pre-lock down ways, but alas they already have. Busy is not a pattern I want to repeat. There will be busy moments for sure, but “busy” is a sad reply to “how are you?” Instead imagine saying... I’m wonderful. I’m filled up. I’m excited. And whole heartedly mean it.

We’ll practice moving in this steady cadence on the mat first with my 6-week series called "Slow Motion" - 10/13 - 11/17. No better time to practice slowing down as we head into the holidays. All levels welcome.


Then we’ll take it into everyday life with my new SLOW Reset, a three-day wellness experience that will feel like a big exhale. I’ll show you how to embrace a sense of surrender and satiate what the body and spirit truly crave using instinct, intuition and incredible food. Stressful, rigid plans not included. Think of this as healthy living practice set to slow motion. 11/14-11/17. Click to learn more.

What’s the picture all about. It’s Almond Milk Whipped Ricotta. It melts in my mouth and melts my heart. Can’t get enough of it. Simple, easy snack you’ll want to slow down and enjoy. Click to enjoy!


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